The DH&L was the first in the Netherlands to implant the Parachute-III device into the heart of a patient with ischemic heart failure. An Interventional Cardiologist uses a catheter to guide the material through the coronary artery and the aortic valve to the correct place. The parachute is then deployed to create a partition between the good and bad parts of the heart. The aneurysmatic tissue no longer participates in heart function so that blood can no longer accumulate there.
The DH&L at the UMC Utrecht is the first hospital in the Netherlands to have a bedside device that can test patients' oral mucosa to establish within the hour whether patients have a certain gene variant. Patients undergoing angioplasty after a heart attack need blood-thinners to reduce the risk of new constrictions in their blood vessels. This test allows cardiologists to choose the correct dose and type of blood-thinners immediately.
Team Interactieve Media 2016
Jaarbeeld 2016 afdeling Genetica
Speerpunt Cancer Center
Jaarbeeld Urologie 2015
Jaarbeeld Cardiologie 2015
Annual Report Heart & Lungs 2015
Jaarbeeld Hart & Longen 2015
Duurzaamheidsverslag 2015, UMC Utrecht
Strategie facilitair bedrijf
Jaarbeeld Cardiologie 2014
Patient Centraal
Jaarbeeld divisie Vrouw & Baby 13/14
Heart & Lungs in business, annual report 2014
Hart & Longen in bedrijf, jaarbeeld 2014
Resultaten in balans
Jaarbeeld Cardiologie 2013
Annual report Cardiology 2013
Jaarbeeld Cardiologie 2013 A4
Jaarbeeld Hart & Longen 2013
Annual report Heart & Lungs 2013
MVO Magazine