One central intake, rapid diagnosis and fast and efficient treatment. The UMC Utrecht wants to take the lead in making cardiovascular care in the Netherlands more patient-friendly and for this purpose has initiated the Cardiovascular Treaty of Utrecht. The DH&L participated in this and signed the treaty to improve healthcare in the field of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The treaty puts the needs and wishes of patients first and involves patients in decisions about their treatment whenever possible.
Speed is of the essence when dealing with a heart attack. The DH&L offers patients with an acute heart attack immediate care and bespoke treatment upon arrival at the hospital. The DH&L is working towards better collaboration and more uniformity with other healthcare professionals within the care chain to gain even more time. The Division is participating in the NVVC! Connect project to establish this.
Visiting professor
One of the DH&L cardiologists, Dr. Pieter Stella, has been appointed visiting professor at the National University in Singapore, which intensifies the existing alliance between the DH&L and Singapore. The next step within this collaboration with Singapore is that the Division will expand beyond preclinical research and starts participating in clinical research in Interventional Cardiology and in drug studies.
Genome Institute Singapore
Another researcher of the DH&L has been awarded a scholarship by the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) for research investigating the development of stem cells into myocardial cells, which is due to take place in Singapore. The Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) boasts significant experience in the field of gene expression and regulation including various types of stem cells.
Team Interactieve Media 2016
Jaarbeeld 2016 afdeling Genetica
Speerpunt Cancer Center
Jaarbeeld Urologie 2015
Jaarbeeld Cardiologie 2015
Annual Report Heart & Lungs 2015
Jaarbeeld Hart & Longen 2015
Duurzaamheidsverslag 2015, UMC Utrecht
Strategie facilitair bedrijf
Jaarbeeld Cardiologie 2014
Patient Centraal
Jaarbeeld divisie Vrouw & Baby 13/14
Heart & Lungs in business, annual report 2014
Hart & Longen in bedrijf, jaarbeeld 2014
Resultaten in balans
Jaarbeeld Cardiologie 2013
Annual report Cardiology 2013
Jaarbeeld Cardiologie 2013 A4
Jaarbeeld Hart & Longen 2013
Annual report Heart & Lungs 2013
MVO Magazine