Strategy development
Strategy development

In anticipation to the SEP, within the strategic program I&I extensive discussions were held during the first half of 2019 with the aim to check base and redefine the ambitions and strategy of the program where necessary. In four meetings with the PIs of the program, these discussions have led to a refinement of the strategy which subsequently became part of the self-evaluation. This ultimately resulted in a revised mission statement:

As a result of the discussions it was decided to re-organize the research activities within I&I in four connected research themes. Each theme contains distinct research lines, and clinicians, researchers and research groups are often active in more than one theme. The four newly defined themes are:
• preventing antimicrobial resistance,
• preventing inflammation,
• elucidating host-pathogen interactions,
• developing immune-mediated therapy and prevention.


The strategic research program I&I aims for a national and international leading role in obtaining and disseminating knowledge and innovations in the field of inflammatory and infectious diseases and immune-mediated therapy. Our aim is to improve treatment in patients with difficult-to-manage infections, immune diseases or cancer. Our doctors and researchers closely collaborate to deliver high-quality care and cutting edge research, where possible together with patients. We ensure our knowledge and expertise by training talented people to become the future generation of experts.

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